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Four heads communicating using science icons

Vaccine Misinformation

It’s difficult to combat vaccine misinformation, as anti-vax and anti-science groups have strong organization and distrust of authority.

A megaphone with scientific icons

Pandemic Misinformation

There can be a misconception that research and the scientific process provide absolute truth, but scientific knowledge is always tentative and subject to revision.

COVID Misinformation on TikTok

Covid-19 is not alone in its pernicious spread, causing mass hysteria among the public. Another pandemic has ravaged communities, taking advantage of the chaos caused by Covid-19 — a pandemic of misinformation.

2022 “To Your Health” Panel

Watch the full recording of the panel “To Your Health! Experts on Fact and Fiction in a Pandemic” that took place on March 9th, 2022.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, they will be critical to ending the pandemic. No steps were skipped in the development process, and safety was a top priority. Tens of millions of people in the United States have recieved COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in US history. The vaccines are 100% effective at preventing serious hospitalizations and deaths. That's our most urgent, important goal. It's why we need vaccines.

Misinformation and COVID-19

Fake news related to this virus spread rampantly in 2020 through social media platforms, capitalizing on existing anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and inciting panic, distrust and chaos.

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